Oh my.. god.. I arrived back in NCL this morning around 11.15 am. Strangely enough i'm a little tired but none worse for the wear.
J was awesome company the whole weekend. So awesome that I extended my stay till this morning instead of leaving yesterday afternoon. I think I'll try posting more on my blog btw. I wish I could say we took plenty plenty of photos. But to be honest we were too lazy. J's place is so comfy and I had a Korean futon like sleeping bed. Hehehe well makeshift from a sleeping bag, 2 throws, J's extra duvet and 2 pillows. Slept like a queen to be honest!
J's also like an evil temptation voice. Managed to convince me to buy Ray Bans. I love them but I'm also hurting from the amount of money I spent on it. Hahaha! Oh well! We also bought jeans together which are awesome and shirts. Convinced J to get something for Bruce as "petty" revenge which really isn't revenge anyway since I know J wants it. As for the rest of my expenses... went to foooood.. oh god.. it was soo good.. dimsum twice, KOREAN FOOD( been craving for it for ages), Indian food.. and various other snackage. Oh yea. I love J cause J came with me to watch X-men FINALLY and also we watched the we will rock you musical which was brilliant!
BTW X-MEN was soo cool! Why? the amount of eye candy there made me drooool. J kept teasing me cause I was apparently according to J, high on hormones and a pervert. My defense is that I haven't got a boyfriend so I can enjoy watching hot men as much as I like! Buahahha! heck even if i had a bf, I'd still be doing that!
But other than just a run through all the stuff we did. I was Happy.. "HAPPY" for such a long period of time such as these last 3 plus days is such a rare occurence.. that I revelled in it. It's not like we did much.. but we caught up.. we talked about serious issues in our lives that we didn't have time to examine and simply skimmed over when telling each other about it. Because we caught up on stuff like that.. we understand each other better. We enjoyed each other's company and silences. We just.. relished and had a ball! I'm sure people think I'm making a major issue out of nothing. But it's times like this.. that make memories that I really... for lack of a better word.. "cherish"
Before I get all sentimental and bleah.. well I'll go! I need a shower! Cooked Chicken Rice for my housemates. It was.. good. I haven't cooked in a long time and it was just.. well it felt like settling into my own skin again.
Anyways Cheers all!