I'm sucking in badminton lately..
My Japan elective opportunity is twarted by a natural disaster.. is it bad that i feel so annoyed by that fact rather than not being selfish and feeling bad for all the people suffering in Japan?
I have a report due.. that i am only 30% completed.. I really really don't want to do it.
I have a migraine behind my left eye..
I've been gaining weight like nobody's business.. i think its due to the stress, depression and.. just lack of caring.. then cause i've gained weight.. i get more depressed.. and the whole cycle begins again..
I have no friends to hang out with.. its a little lonely.
Exams are coming up.. and i feel like i know nothing.. oh my god.. i swear i'm so screwed.. whatever.. if i don't go for holidays.. i'll just stay here and study..
I'm tired.. and sick of everything.. 2011 is not shaping up to be a great year yet.. its better than 2010 so far.. but its not been brilliant..
I'm starting to wonder whether I'll even make it to 5th year.. I just want things to be over.. and get on with my life.
I just feel so emo and i get so angry at myself.. and then i feel emo again.. I wish I had someone care enough to pull me out of this deep hole that i just can't see light shining on me.. its becoming a small pinpoint that seems to be getting further away.
I'm done..