Sunday, 15 January 2012

breakdowns... the first of many

I had a bit of a rough week.

I was beyond stressed.. and in retrospect.. i should be stressed but not to the point of a breakdown.

I've had two. Its probably because I had family near by.. and if people ask me about what is causing my distress.. that's the trigger point. I reckon if I wasn't asked.. i'd be okay eventually.

What worries me is that I've broken down so early on.. the road is a couple of months long and it predicts even more breakdowns.

I pray for strength and calm.

I've got the second mock. My first ever viva on Tuesday. I'm terrified... I just hope the fear won't stop me from performing adequately.

Wish me luck!

I also feel sorry for the rest of my patients who've had to go through difficulty recently. I pray for their peace as well.

 Just a little something to brighten everyone's day.


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