Saturday, 17 January 2009

Testing.. and Official first post

Welcome to Messy Simplicity. Officially opening on the 17th of January 2009! Woooo!

I've decided to open a proper online journal. One that I can really write what I think and such without complete censorship. I'm probably not going to be updating much but I'd really like a place where I can just blog about what has upset me that day or what has made me happy. Inane things like that. I've shared a blog with other people for years and it seems like they are all just drifting away.. leaving the blog less and less updated to the point where it is pretty much abandoned. I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of this myself.

Why Messy Simplicity? Cause Organised Mess was taken. Hahaha. Messy for my random thought process and Simplicity just to be contrary, to reflect my conflicting sides.

I cried alot today. Watching dramas for one thing.. and another just letting out the stress that has been building up. I feel apologetic for letting out at my mum. But she was being awesome even though I didn't appreciate it at that point in time. She didn't mind and she welcomed me to do so.

Gosh.. I'm becoming a veritable leaky tap. Perhaps, it's age.

Something else has been bothering me. The fact that everyone around me has been popping up all couple like. It's like a field blossoming into daises or something. I am happy for them but obviously I'm not a saint. I'm going to be envious and sometimes it is a little irritating. It also makes me think.. well maybe I should start preparing to be a spinster. Obviously, I'm not easily to be liked/loved. Or it could be my complex with men. I find men to be lacking. But the ones that aren't.. are usually attached or gay. *sigh* I do try to be happy for all the happy couples around me. I wish them the best of luck. I'll just have to stay away from them unless it's only for a short period that I have to endure the sickly lovey dovey gestures and looks. I'm going to puke..

Haha! I sound a little bit man-hating. Oh well! I am not really... I think I'm an incurable romantic. I build up a really tough exterior... protective mechanism really. And perhaps I'm worried I'm fragile inside. It hasn't really been tested so I don't really know.. Geh! this post is becoming way too self reflecting. I meant for it to be short. I guess I didn't realise how many things I've kept in my head. I miss writing. Other than for that epic piece of fiction I wrote so long ago.. I haven't written anything. I suppose this blog will be my next endeavour.

That's it! Sayonara!

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