My wish? For it to go well.. for me to not lose my temper.. and for us to bond again. I'm worried that I'll be left out again cause I'm a "banana" Oh well.. that's what the ipod is for. Imma kinda just going cause i want to see wicked and also they kinda need a tour guide. What are we hoping to see? London Eye, Big Ben, Madame Tussauds, Ripleys *shiny eyes*, Wicked, Buckingham Palace and Harrods. Hehe.. I've pretty much done all these already.. except for Wicked and Harrods tho. *sigh* I guess I'm going to spend money needlessly.
Anyhoo, I'll blog about the trip when I get back! Packing at the moment.. Packing is NOT one of my favourite things.. I'll end the post with vain pictures of myself! hehe! Hey! I'm a girl! It's a right that I'll exploit!
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